Sunday, February 13, 2011

BSU Women's Hockey Drum Circle

As I plan for Wednesday's experience with the BSU Women's Hockey team, I found that some of the ideas that I read about in The Essential Elements of Facilitation (by Simon Priest, Michael Gass, and Lee Gillis) were sticking with me. In particular, they focus a chapter on the funneling technique, which is variation on the questions of--What? So What, Now What? These questions can guide participants through the processing of an experiential learning activity.

Here is what I am planning to ask the hockey players after we've gone through a couple of rounds of the group drumming:

  • What? (Review and Reflect on Experience)
⁃ How did that feel? Encourage to first play it on your drum, then tell us what it felt like.
⁃ How do you think you sounded together?
⁃ Did anything surprise you?

  • So What? (Apply and Generalize the learning...what did you learn?)
⁃ What did you learn about yourself from this experience?
⁃ What did you learn about your teammates during this experience (if anything, invite comments)

  • Now What? (Commit to action or change)
⁃ What, if anything, might you try to carry forward from this experience to your hockey playing, or your team, or the game on Friday?

I'm really getting excited to do 2 drum circles this week! The other one is the Traditional Skills Workshop, being sponsored by the BSU Sustainability Office. I'm hoping to get some good feedback about how the debriefing exercise and questions worked (or didn't work).

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