Thursday, July 10, 2008

I have been bad...very bad.

It has been a very busy month. I can't believe I haven't posted anything here in more than a month!

Project update:

  1. The Community of Practice is set to meet at French Regional Park in Plymouth, July 19th. There will be 6 particpants. Everyone in the group seems really excited about it, as am I.
  2. Starting to get references together for my literature review; books, journal articles, and web sites. It seems Etienne Wenger is one of the main people writing about Communities of Practice.
  3. I am going to set up a wiki to serve as an electronic manual for the CoP. Looking forward to that, as it will also serve as professional development for future positions.
  4. Am organizing an informal group to practice the method again, after the first CoP meeting. Should help cement the process.
Ok, the computers about to run out of juice. More later!!

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