Saturday, May 17, 2008

Starting on a Journey

This is the first "official" post to my new blog. I don't want to start too fancy or eloquent, so I'll give the mundane details.

This blog is serving as an online archive of my thoughts, feelings, successes, and failures related to the HealthRhythms "Community of Practice" project, which I am taking as a graduate course in Experiential Education at Minnesota State University, Mankato during the Summer term. My intention (and we'll see if I can carry this through to completion) is to blog at the end of each week as a way to explain my thought processes and concrete actions taken during the project.

Sufficed to say, I am quite excited to see where this leads.

"Begin with the end in mind" is a mantra that I am trying to follow in this project; I always want to keep my project outline in mind to keep me on track. (I'll have to post a link to that dcocument later on). So far, here's what I've accomplished:

  • Drawn up the learning contract and project outline
  • Contacted my fellow "colleagues of the drum" to guage their interest in forming a "community of practice"
  • We're working on setting a date and location in July!
Something that I have intended to do--it's on my calendar-- but haven't done yet (so chalk this up as a challenge, staying on schedule!)
  • Need to contact the facilitator from Minnesota Technology of Participation to begin the process of finding out the practitioner angle on the CoP

Challenges and Opportunties: Staying focused on the long-term goal, which is creating the community of practice and following through with the products I said I would create as a result of this project.

I have a lot on my plate--need to find a job for next year, move to a new apartment next month, a marathon to train for--but I know that, with persistence and positivity, it can all come together. It's all about the drum!

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